What the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act Means to Wisconsin

It comes as no surprise that with Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as his VP running mate – the people of Wisconsin are energized more than ever to understand this new healthcare law. The act, dubbed by some as “Obamacare”, will eventually require every American to obtain health insurance and allow states to set up a health insurance exchange. However, the Supreme Court recently gave states the authority to “opt out” of certain parts of the act. Most notably, Medicaid expansion, under the new Supreme Court ruling has been left up to the states and while the federal government would pay 100 percent of the expansion for the first two years and require states to chip in no more than 10 percent of the cost thereafter, many states remain reluctant.  Wisconsin is one of those states and Ryan is setting high bars for Medicaid eligibility which ultimately leaves many residents in his home state uninsured. I’ve provided an overview of how the Affordable Care Act has already benefited the people of Wisconsin.

How the Affordable Care Act is Benefiting Wisconsin
Cheaper Prescription Drugs for People with Medicare
$37,919,307 in total savings for 59,345 seniors, averaging $638.96 in savings per person in 2011
Free Preventive Services
1,111,000 people and 647,617 seniors with Medicare get preventive services for free
No more Lifetime Limits on Care
2,142,000 people no longer have a lifetime limit on their care
Health Insurance on Your Parent’s Plan
27,511 more young adults under age 26 now have insurance on their parent’s plan
Better Value for your Premium Dollar
1,536,000 people protected by the 80/20 rule that requires insurers to spend 80% of premiums on care & quality
Covered by Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan
1,000 people who were uninsured because of a pre-existing condition now have coverage
Building Affordable Insurance Exchange
$38,757,139 to help States build new marketplaces where consumers will have the same kinds of choices as members of Congress
Improving Public Health
$18,600,000 in grants to improve public health
Community Health Centers
$13,800,000 to support and expand community health centers

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